
"आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव"

वह दिन स्वर्णिम बन जाता है , जब वीरों को नमन करते फूलो के, साथ तिरंगा आसमान में लहराता है। प्रतिवर्ष 15 अगस्त को भारतवासी स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाता है। भारत के प्रधानमंत्री लालकिला पर झंडारोहण करते है। राष्ट्र समर्पित भाषण देते है।   तीनो सैन्य बल (स्थल सेना , जल सेना एवम् वायु सेना ) परेड , अपनी शक्ति का प्रदर्शन करते है। आज हम भारतवासी स्वतंत्रता की 75वीं वर्षगाठ मना रहे है । इस अवसर पर हमारे माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने हरघर तिरंगा अभियान चलाया है ,जो की तिरंगा के रचनाकार पिंगली वैंकेया की जयंती दो अगस्त से प्रारंभ हुआ है और पंद्रह अगस्त तक मनाया जा रहा है ।भारतवर्ष में 15 अगस्त हर त्यौहार से बढ़कर है ।  गुजरती हुई पीढिया आने वाली हर पीढ़ियों को 15 अगस्त 1947 की स्वर्णिम दिवस के लिए किए गए संघर्ष की गाथा हमेशा सुनाता रहेगा । 200 साल की अंग्रेजो के गुलामी के बाद स्वतंत्रता की खुशबू फैली लेकिन कोई भी भारतवासी इस स्वतंत्रता की खुशबू के पीछे की गुलामी ,त्याग ,बलिदान ,शोर , डर,मौत की गूंज कभी न भूल सकेगा । यह लड़ाई प्रत्येक भारतवासी ने लड़ी किसी ने सत्य अहिंसा के

One day International webinar conducted on: "India and China in International History since 1945"

  Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi conducted an International Webinar on the topic - 'India and China in International History since 1945'. The eminent speaker on the topic was Prof Rajdeep Pakanati, Assistant Director, Centre for Global Governance and Policy, O P Jindal Global University.  Prof Pakanati has discussed about the role of India and China in the international affair. He has talked about a range of issues starting from ideological contribution of India with Non-alignment Movement, the historical contribution towards United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Common but Differentiated Responsibility, the Special and Differential Preference regarding World Trade.  Prof Pakanati has also discussed India-China relations through a historical lens with Panchasheel, the Sino-India 1962 War, the  responsible Nuclear powers to the vaccine diplomacy of the present scenario.   The webinar was chaired by Prof Inu Mehta, Principal, Mahila


Just seven more days and we'll be flooded with hypes all around. There will be texts, messages, stories all savoring a gender and its fraternity. People  will be promoting commercialization around the day endorsing women as `ideal' wives, mothers, homemakers, and office goers who after work take care of family and still fit in the "image of beautiful women". For instance, a beauty parlor launched recently announced free manicures, pedicures, and hairdos with a 50% discount because `women are special and on the women's day they need to feel special' says the tagline. A cosmetic product company offered a special discount on the women's day on the “Exotic eyeliner for the special woman, because your eyes speak much more than you think”. Another one selling women's branded clothes declared, “This women's day, indulge for the `woman of substance' in your life”.   The question to ask today is, Has International Women's Day lost its significance

गणतंत्र दिवस: एक स्वर्णिम दिवस

          " बलिदानों का सपना जब सच हुआ,  ये देश तब स्वतंत्र हुआ।  आओ सलाम करे उन वीर शहीदों को,  जिनकी शहादत से ये भारत गणतंत्र हुआ। ।" 26 जनवरी ,भारतीय इतिहास के पन्नों पर स्वर्ण अक्षरों से लिखी गई तारीख है। भारत वर्ष में पर्व की भाँति मनाया जाने वाला ये वो दिन है जब 26 जनवरी 1950 को भारतीय संविधान सभा द्वारा भारतीयों के हाथों में एक ऐसी किताब थमा दी गयी जिसमें सालों से चले  आ रहे बेड़ियों, परतंत्रता, बंधनों से मिलने वाली पूर्ण स्वतंत्रता से संबंधित उन तमाम सुनहरे शब्दों की स्वर्णिम चमक भारतीयों के आँखों में उतरती प्रतीत हो रही थी ।ये वो दिन है जब स्वतंत्र भारत में पहली बार लोगों को अपने अधिकारों के प्रयोग ,कर्तव्यों के पालन व देश के लिए उनके तथा उनके लिए इस स्वतंत्र, गणतंत्र देश की महत्ता बतायी जा रही थी तथा बड़े बड़े नेताओं के साथ-साथ सभी भारतीय जनता के आँखों में उनके व देश के उज्ज्वल भविष्य की उम्मीदें संजोये जा रहे थे ।           गणतंत्र दिवस की महत्ता से तो सभी परिचित है, इसी दिन संविधान विधात बी आर अम्बेडकर तथा उनकी टीम द्वारा निर्मित संविधान को पूरे 2 वर्ष

Republic day and it's significance

Remember how we celebrated Republic day at our schools, it was so engrossing. Firstly, the National flag was hoisted followed by a couple of dance and singing competitions which majorly were patriotic songs that brought goosebumps to us, and it ended with the national anthem and of course the ladoos while leaving.  But what was missing at that time as a child was the importance of this day and answer to the question ‘why we are celebrating this day?  ‘. So, here  I would like to mention the significance of this day to the readers in a short read .  . This year the country is going to celebrate its 73rd Republic day. On this day the President of India hoists the national flag while the army, navy, and air force exhibit their military equipment on Rajpath. And the parade is one of the most spectacular parades in the world and its grandeur is a beggar’s description. The national flag is hosted all over the country and the whole environment is filled with pride, unity, and onen

Russia-Ukraine crisis: Time to revive the Minsk Agreements

Russia and Ukraine are continuously in the news because of their security crisis. As we know that Russia and Ukraine have close cultural linguistic and familial links. Recently, Ukraine claims that Russia has amassed around 90,000 troops at the border. This conflict is not only between Russia and Ukraine but it is adversely affecting the other countries like US,Britain, India and so on.  There are various causes of conflict viz. Ukraine is a buffer zone between Russia and the western countries. Russian interest in Black sea is also one of the most important causes of conflict, because Russia has many geopolitical advantages with it. Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine, it was the first time when a European country annexed territory from another country since world war-ll. Russia has declared Ukraine's North Atlantic Treaty Organisation(NATO) membership as a "red line" and worried about the consequences led by the US military alliances.              

The unknown genius.

Padma Shri Dr Vashishtha Narayan Singh was born on 2nd April 1946 to  Bahadur Singh(a Police Constable) & Lahaso Devi in Basantpur village of the Bhojpur District in Bihar. He, a child prodigy, lived a life that can be mounted on the billboard of apathy and neglect but has little to do with the subject that he loved so dearly and lived in its corner of mathematics, after schooling at Neterhat he moved to Patna science college in 1963, where his faculty and principal of the college was so impressed that they insisted the governor and chancellor of the University bend the rules to allow vashishtha Narayan to appear for the BSc examination in his first year in college and then MSc examination the next year. he topped both the examination and become quite the sensation. He met Professor John L.kelley, who was then the head of the department of mathematics at the University of California. vashishtha impressed kelly with his innate understanding of numbers. Kelley invited vas